
Orders are where you process, ship and keep track of what your customers have purchased from you.

There are two ways that an order can get created in the system. An order can be created from someone using your storefront and purchasing products through the checkout. You can also create custom Quotes and Orders through the back office area.

With Lead Commerce each order is assigned to a Customer. In turn that Customer's Order can have multiple line items. Each line item can have a different shipping address, different shipping classes.

With Orders in Lead Commerce, you can have different Payment Methods as well. This is powerful if you have different types of customers who pay you in different ways. For example, you might normally sell you product to consumers in which case they would most likely pay you with a credit card. However, you might also sell to a larger customer who buys your product in bulk. In which case they might pay you with a check or even a Purchase Order. Lead Commerce can handle all of these types of situations.

Orders are broken into the following sections:


Sales Channel This option allows you to specify where the order manifested from. In Lead Commerce there are two default sales channels already created for you. One is “Web Orders" and the other is “Phone Orders". Web orders will always be from your storefront. Phone orders are typically created in the back office.
Company This is the company that a customer is from. In some cases your customers might not be from a company in which case this field would be blank. This is not required.
First Name This is the first name of the customer.
Last Name This is the last name of the customer.
Email Address This is the email address of the customer.
Phone This is the phone number of the customer.
Notes These are the notes that you might put down on an order. These notes by default will show up on the Order Invoice and receipt. If you do not want them to, you can change that in Autoresponders.
Alternate Order ID This field is used to map orders that mayb occur outside of the Lead Commerce system. For example, you might sell your products on Amazon.com, and therefore you will need to keep track of the Amazon Order ID and map it to your internal Lead Commerce ID for order processing purposes.

More Menu:

Option Description
Create New This option will allow you to create an entirely new record without having to go back to the table level and selecting the New Order button.
Print Order This option will allow you to download the order summary document in either PDF or HTML format to print.
Download Order This option will allow you to download the order summary document in either PDF or HTML format. Lead Commerce will determine the most optimal file version for you automatically. If you order exceeds 20 line items, then the HTML version will be created automatically.
Email Order This option will open a secondary window where you can email the order directly to the customers email address.
Print Product Label This option will allow you to download a printable label for each product on the order.
Documentation This is a direct link to the Lead Commerce online manual that explains how to use the different components and features of Orders.


The Products section of an order is where you can see all of the line items that a customer is ordering.

Add Discount This option can be used to apply an overall discount on an order. (Please Note: If you need to apply a discount to a single line item, then you will need to click on the line item itself and apply the discount there).
Add Upcharge The Add Upcharge button allows you to include any other incidental charges that you want to apply to an order. For example, you might have a shipping and handling fee that you want to add as a line item to the order.
Product Search The Product Search button allows you to quickly search for products and add them to an order. It also allows you to add multiple line items and continue to search for more products.

Adding Products to an Order:

To add products to an order, click on the Product Search button. Once the Product Search window opens, use the search field in the top left to find your products and add them to an order. The video below will provide an example of this:

Products Table on Orders (Column Definitions):

Item This is the line item of each product on an order. It will increment by one for every line item that gets added to the order in the Products section.
Product This is the name of the product.
Variation This is the specific variation of the product (i.e. SKU).
Quantity This is the total number of units for this particular SKU on this particular line item that are being ordered or have been ordered.
Shipped This column indicates how many units of this particular product have shipped.
Item Price This is the product price.
Subtotal This is the total number of units multiplied times the Item Price.
Tax This is the sales tax for this line item.
Total This is the total amount of the line item which includes the Subtotal plus any applicable sales tax.
Status This is the line item status which indicates the current status


The Payments section of the Order drill down page lets you create new Payments, view existing Payments and modify Payments with certain actions like Cancel or Voiding. It is important to note that Lead Commerce allows you to create multiple payments on a single order. So everyday situations like a split bill or multiple payment methods are possible. Additionally, Lead Commerce allows you to process payments with the following methods: Cash, Check, Credit Card, Purchase Order (PO), Vouchers, Store Credit and more.

Apply Payment (Button)

Applying Payments in Lead Commerce from Lead Commerce on Vimeo.

This option allows you to select the Payment Method you would like to use in order to apply payment to an Order. The window and fields will change dynamically based on the type of Payment Method you select. Watch the video below for how this operation works:


New Address This option allows you to add a new Shipping address to this customers record and also select it to be used on a specific line item.
Calculate Shipping The Calculate Shipping button allows you to pick specific shipping classes per line item. The Calculate Shipping window also allows you to pick between live shipping rates such as FedEx or UPS or a custom shipping provider (Please Note: Live rates and labels are only available for Professional Editions and above).
Override Shipping Cost
This option lets you manually override the shipping cost for that order and enter your own value. This value is reflected in the order summary and invoice.

Shipping Table Columns:

Item This is the line item number.
Product This is the name of the product.
Variation This is the variation for the product (i.e. SKU)
Quantity This is the quantity being shipped for the line item.
Warehouse This is the warehouse that the product will be shipped from.
Address This is the address where this line item is being shipped.
Provider This is the shipping provider that is being used for this order.
Class This is the shipping class this line item is shipping at.

Editing Shipping Line Items

WarehouseThis is the warehouse the line item will ship from. You can switch between different warehouses in Lead Commerce and the inventory will un-commit from one warehouse and commit to the other upon save and close.
AddressThis option lets you pick a different Ship To address for the Sales Order for the Line Item.
Drop Ship CheckboxIf you choose this option, it will assume that this particular line item on the Sales Order is going to be drop shipped from your Vendor (Supplier).
VendorThis Vendor drop down feeds from all Vendors that are mapped to the SKU in Lead Commerce. Please Note: This will NOT display all Vendors in your database; only the Vendors that are mapped to the SU for the line item you are editing.

Fulfillments are basically shipments for line items on an order. In other words, Fulfillments are the actual boxes that you have made on a particular order and the contents of the box. Lead Commerce offers an ability to ship orders partially or to ship all units together. In some cases, you might have products that cannot be shipped together and therefore need to be shipped in their own box or container. Lead Commerce can handle these more complex situations specifically because our system is designed to handle a multi-shipment, multi-fulfillment workflow.

When an order is placed or when a customer orders from you via the storefront checkout, a Fulfillment or Fulfillments are automatically created for you based on what needs to be shipped, where certain line items are being shipped from and if the product must ship alone. There are other circumstances that will cause a multi line item order to have more than one Fulfillment. You will need to experiment with your own shipping process to see how Lead Commerce handles those.

Fulfillments also control line item editing and being able to make changes to line items if you need to edit quantities or change addresses. Each active Fulfillment acts as a control to ensure that shipments are not packed incorrectly in the warehouse if the sales team or customer support team have recently made changes to line items, quantities, addresses, etc.

There are two options when working with Fulfillments. They are Create Fulfillment and Pack and Ship.

Create Fulfillment The Create Fulfillment button allows you to select certain line items that have not been shipped or cancelled and add them to a unique fulfillment record.
Get Weight The Get Weight button in the edit screen of a Fulfillment allows you to pull in the weight from a USB connected scale. For more information on how to configure the USB scale server, please see our support article Setting up a scale to use with Lead Commerce
Pack and Ship The Pack and Ship option allows you to indicate what active Fulfillments you are preparing to ship and which ones you have shipped using the various checkbox and dropdown options.

Once you select which shipping processes you would like to run from the drop down, Lead Commerce will also generate your shipping documents within the program, as well as email them to you. When the documents are ready to download, the populated buttons will turn blue. NOTE: If you are not using a LIVE shipping provider/account, no SHIPPING LABEL will be generated by Lead Commerce.

NOTE: As mentioned previously, Lead Commerce will automatically create all of the Fulfillments you need in order to fulfill the order in its entirety. However, you might have the need to make changes to an order and therefore, Lead Commerce allows you to cancel any Fulfillments that have been created for you and reconfigure them to your exact needs.

The video below illustrates how Fulfillments work. In this example, we show you how to make an address change for an order that has come in from your storefront. It shows the steps you would need to take in order to break up the order so that each unit can ship to a different address.


The Invoices feature lets users create Invoice records and line items for items that have been shipped out already. This feature also allows for multiple Invoice records per Sales Order. This is extremely helpful when certain orders are not fulfilled all at once or when certain items ordered are In Stock as well as Backordered.

New Invoice (Button)This button will allow users to create a new Invoice for the Sales Order. Each Invoice that is created will be appended with a "-" and then the number incrementally starting with one (1). So if you have two Invoices on an given Sales Order, then you would end up with two Invoices ending in "-1" and "-2" respectively. Additionally, when a Payment is applied to a Sales Order, the eldest Invoice will receive the payment amount being made up to the total amount of the invoice.
Invoice IDThe unique identification record of an Invoice record.
Line ItemsThe total number of line items on the Invoice.
Total ItemsThe total units on the Invoice.
Created OnThe date the Invoice was created.
Days Past DueThe number of days since the Invoice was created.
Invoice AmountThe total amount of the Invoice.
Amount DueThe total amount due less than any amounts that have already been applied.
Amount PaidThe total of all Payments that have been applied to the invoice.
StatusThe Status of the Invoice. An Invoice can have the following status':
Balance Due
Paid in Full


The Returns feature of Lead Commerce allows you to create Return Materials Authorization (RMA) records on an Order. It is a very fluid way of managing the return process as each return you create gets a unique RMA ID. The RMA ID is then sent to the customer who will in turn return the items to the warehouse that you have chosen when creating the RMA.

Creating a New Return
This option allows you to create a RMA for any line items that have been shipped. PLEASE NOTE: Only quantities of line items that have been shipped can be added to a RMA. When selecting the New Return button (Green) on the Returns section of the Order drill down page, a window prompt will open and display the current line items and quantities that can be returned, an option to specify which warehouse they should be returned to, and advanced options to apply a restocking fee, to not email the customer on processing and an area for you to enter in notes on this specific RMA. Additionally, there are drop downs to specify the reason for the return for each individual line item on the RMA.

Item This is the line item.
Product This is a read only column in the RMA that indicates the product name of the line item.
Variation This is the variation of the product or SKU.
Qty Shipped This is the number of units that have been shipped thus far for the line item. Only units that have been shipped can be returned.
Qty This is the quantity of units that you would like to return or the customer is asking to return to you.
Reason This is the reason for the return. The reasons are as follows; Damaged During Shipping, Defective, Never Received, No Longer Wanted, Wrong Item Ordered, Other.

Processing an RMA
Once an RMA has been created it is saved in the Returns section of the Order drill down. Simply click on the RMA you would like to process to return the items that have been shipped back from the customer. A window prompt will open with the details of the RMA, the quantities, items and reason data.

RMA Status'

Pending Return This status is assigned once an RMA has been created on an order. The Fulfillment, Line Item and overall Order Status will move to Pending Return until the RMA is received in the warehouse or the RMA has been canceled.
Partially Returned This status is displayed when a portion of an order has been returned. For example, if an order has two line items and only one is returned, then the overall order status would be Partially Returned.
Returned Returned status indicates that all line items and quantities have been returned. For example, if an order had two line items and each line item has been returned, the the overall order status will be returned.

Support Tickets

The Support Tickets section of the Order Drilldown page lets you create new support tickets by linking them directly to an order. To learn more about tickets,

Learn more about Support Tickets


The Summary section of Orders is the PDF version of the Autoresponder. In Lead Commerce, you can customize the order summary and order pdf that a customer receives when they place an order with you. This customization area is in Autoresponders. For more information on customizing the order summary and order emails, please review the Autoresponders manual and video tutorials.

File Upload Section:

File Upload This section displays all files that have been associated to this category.
Upload Files Button This button is used to upload one or multiple files to the category from your computer.
Row level Colorbox If you click on each file that has been uploaded it will open a dialogue window to allow you to make changes to the file name, to display the file in the customer portal and view the full path URL.
File Name The name of the file
File URL The full path URL of the file.

History Section:

User This column indicates which user made the change to this Category.
Action This column indicates what was done.
Modified On This column indicates when the change occurred.

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