Payment Methods

Payment Methods in Lead Commerce allow you to collect money for order in a variety of different ways. Lead Commerce currently supports the following methods:

API PaymentAPI Payment is used for API orders that come in via the API. (Credit Cards) allows you to accept credit cards from your customers. It is a major payment gateway and is represented by almost every major bank within the US.
CashThis allows you to accept cash as a tender.
CheckThis allows you to accept a check as a form of payment.
Place without PaymentThis option is available in the storefront checkout.
Purchase OrderThis option allows you to enter in a PO as a form of payment.
Request a QuoteThis option appears in the storefront checkout as a payment option.
Store CreditThis option is available to use your store credit to pay for an order or a partial amount of an order.
StripeThis payment method requires you to sign up with Stripe. To learn how to configure this gateway, read this help article here.

There are some restrictions on what payment methods are available to you depending on the subscription plan you are on.

In order to use you must first establish an account with them and obtain the following two codes:

Login KeyThis is the unique ID that identifies your account. See the Support Article (linked below) for more information on obtaining your login key.
Transaction KeyThis is the unique ID that identifies what payment types you are able to process. See the Support Article (linked below) for more information on obtaining your transaction key
ModeThe mode is dependent on what you are trying to do. In Lead Commerce you can set the gateway to Test Mode. This allows you to test the checkout using test card numbers. Please Note: You need to ensure that your account is also in Test Mode. Once you are ready to process transactions, you will need to ensure that both Lead Commerce as well as are in Live Mode (i.e. Test Mode is turned off for both).
Transaction allows you to either Authorize the customers card (which allocates the funds needed for the order) or Authorize and Charge in which case the funds will be allocated and collected.

See the support article for more details

Create New Payment Method

DetailsName of Payment Method, Status (Status controls whether or the record will display as either Active, Inactive or Archived. You can view each status by clicking on the small triangle located next to each subcomponent on the side menu of all Component level areas), Payment Gateway Type (This indicates whether you want to create a custom payment gateway or a live payment gateway)
AdjustmentsCost Adjustment (Reason, Type, Value)
APIAPI credentials for an active Payment Gateway (if there is no ACTIVE/ live gateway, and it is a custom payment gateway, ignore this)
File UploadDisplays all files that have been associated to this category.
HistoryAll changes to the record.

Sales Channel and Customer Types

One of the features of Lead Commerce that makes it extremely powerful and configurable are Sales Channels and Customer Types. With both of these subcomponents you can specify which Payment Methods are available for either a specific type of customer (Customer Types) or a specific Sales Channel.

You must specify which Payment Methods you want to use for each Sales Channel. In addition, you can also specify which Payment Methods are available for Customer Types as well.

Note: If you specify any Payment Methods on Customer Type, then these will supersede any settings you have selected on Sales Channel.

File Upload Section:

File UploadThis section displays all files that have been associated to this category.
Upload Files ButtonThis button is used to upload one or multiple files to the category from your computer.
Row level ColorboxIf you click on each file that has been uploaded it will open a dialogue window to allow you to make changes to the file name, to display the file in the customer portal and view the full path URL.
File NameThe name of the file
File URLThe full path URL of the file.

History Section:

UserThis column indicates which user made the change to this Category.
ActionThis column indicates what was done.
Modified OnThis column indicates when the change occurred.

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