Product Types

Product Types act as a template and allow you to filter down things like Categories, Attributes, Customer Types, Product Variations and more.

Product Types also allow you to control how a particular product page looks when compared to other product pages. For example, you might sell some products in your store that can be ordered using Product Variations and other products that require some custom manufacturing. In this case, you could have one Product Template


Name This is the name of the Product Type you create.
Status This is the current status of the Product Type.
Default This option will auto-select this product type in the product type drop down menu when you go to create a new product.
Show as Filter This option will add this to the side navigation menu of the Products subcomponent link in the side menu. See video below to see how Filters work.
Product Template Product Templates allow you to control the look and feel of particular product pages. They are tied at the Product Type level. For example, you might sell some products in your store that can be ordered using Product Variations and other products that require a proposal. In this case, you could have one Product Template that uses product variations and another one that has a form to collect information.
Product Class What type of product is this? If you are configuring a product that needs to be put together using parts from your inventory, select 'Assembly'. If you sell a product that is ready to be sold, select 'Simple'. If you are selecting an 'Assembly', this field will become disabled once a product has been mapped. There is a third option class called "Kit". Kits are different from Assemblies as they are a composite product made up of other SKUs defined in the Bill of Materials (BOM) section of the Product drill down. The Available inventory of a Kit product or SKU is derived by taking the lowest inventory of all BOM SKUs and dividing that value by the quantity of the BOM on the Kit itself.

Product Type Filters:


Login RequiredThis option allows you to require that a user be logged into their account in order to view or see any products associated to this product type. This is useful if you have products that are only for certain types of customers.
Do Not Display on WebsiteThis option controls whether certain products show up in the storefront. This is useful if you have certain products that can only be ordered over the phone or through a custom order. It is also helpful if you have products that require assembly or are part of a master product and cannot be purchased individually but only in a completed version.
Ignore Stock LevelsThis option will allow you set any products using this Product Type to maintain no inventory levels. This is useful if you sell certain products that are being dropped shipped or that have a continuous supply such as a downloadable product like eBooks or Music downloads.
Non Orderable Item
This will prevent a product from being ordered. This means your storefront and any phone orders placed, these products will not be searchable. This will still allow for Purchase Order and Inventory Transfers. This is a common flag for Product Class Types 'Assembly' when the components of the product should not be ordered individually.
Use Fractional InventoryBy setting this flag, you will be able to track your inventory up to 4 decimal places. By default, Lead Commerce tracks inventory by whole numbers only.
Inventory Decimal PlacesHow many places does the inventory need to handle. This can be up to 4. Must have "Use Fractional Inventory" selected to use this field.
Storefront Fractional QuantityHow do you want fractional quantity represented on the storefront (FLEX)?. If you are not using the Lead Commerce storefront, you can set this value to anything. If you are, these are the options that will be available to add an item to the cart. Must have "Use Fractional Inventory" selected to use this field.


This section on Product Types allows you to filter down certain attributes for specific types of products.

IDThe ID of the attribute.
NameThe name of the attribute.
TypeThis is indicates what type of attribute it is (i.e. dropdown, checkbox, etc).


IDThe ID of the product variation.
NameThe name of the variation.
TypeThe type of variation it is.

Customer Types:

This allows you to filter certain products to only be viewable by certain types of customers. This is a powerful feature if you intend to offer different products to different types of customers or if you intend to do personalization across your website.

IDThe ID of the Customer Type
NameThe name of the customer type


IDThe ID of the main parent category.
NameThe name of the parent category.


IDThe ID of the vendor.
NameThe name of the vendor.

Related Products:

IDThis is the ID of the product.
NameThis is the name of the product.

History Section:

UserThis column indicates which user made the change to this Category.
ActionThis column indicates what was done.
Modified OnThis column indicates when the change occurred.

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