
Products usually are things that your customers buy from you and then you ship those items to the customer. However, they can also be things like music downloads, ebooks, appointments and more. Lead Commerce has very flexible product management features which can be used to sell almost anything online.

Products are broken into individual areas which are called Sections. Products contain the following sections:

Details Section:

Product Type The Product Type you have assigned to the Product. This can only be selected on Create. To view your Product Types go to Catalog > Configuration > Product Types.
Product Types are a high level classification of a Product or Products in your Lead Commerce database. There are many different rules that can be applied to Product Types and Product Types also act as a filtering capability for Vendors, Customer Types, Attributes, Variations and more. For more information on Product Types please see the Product Types documentation.
Status The status of the Product. Products can be Active, Inactive or Archived.
Display Product Name The Product Name that appears on the Product Page.
Product Name The internal name of the Product which appears on Purchase Orders.
Price The price of the product that displays on the Product page.
Cost The cost of the item which appears on Products. The cost is also used when creating SKUs and will inherit the cost value across all SKUs when creating the Product for the first time.
Bulk Pricing Rule This option allows you to choose a bulk pricing group that you have created in order to allow for volume discounts on this particular product. To learn more about Bulk Pricing options, please review our Bulk Pricing documentation.
Available On This is the date that the product will appear on the storefront.
Unavailable After This is the date that will terminate a product from displaying on the storefront.
Terms & Conditions The terms for this Product. To create additional Term and Conditions for product, navigate to Settings > Terms & Conditions
Tax Code The tax code associated to this product. You cannot define your own tax codes. They are a set list provided by Lead Commerce.
Product Description The description of the product which shows up on the Product page of the storefront.

Variations Section:

Variations The Variations section feed from the Product Type and the Product Variations that have been assigned to that Product Type.
Values Values are the individual sizes, colors, measurements or other alpha numeric values that have been created. To view your Product Variations navigate to Catalog > Configuration > Product Variations.

Categories Section:

Categories Each category is assigned at the Product Type level. Which ever Product Type you select from the Details page of a Product will determine what Categories display in this section. To see what Categories are currently assigned to what Product Types, navigate to Catalog > Configuration > Product Types > Categories
Subcategories Any subcategories will display in the table that are assigned to which ever Categories have been assign to the Product Type. You can select which Categories and Subcategories you want the product to belong to using the checkbox next to each. To create additional Categories and Subcategories, navigate to Catalog > Categories

Dimensions Section:

Length The length of the product. Once the Product has been created for the first time, these dimensions will be passed to the SKU and will need to be maintained at the individual SKU level.
Width The width of the product. Once the Product has been created for the first time, these dimensions will be passed to the SKU and will need to be maintained at the individual SKU level.
Height The height of the product. Once the Product has been created for the first time, these dimensions will be passed to the SKU and will need to be maintained at the individual SKU level.
Weight The weight of the product. Weight is the only dimension required when creating a product. Once the Product has been created for the first time, these dimensions will be passed to the SKU and will need to be maintained at the individual SKU level.
Calculate by weight only This setting will require any calculations for shipping to use weight as the only criteria when calculating shipping costs.
Ships Alone This setting will require a product and SKU to be shipped by itself and will not allow it to be combined with any other line items on an order.

SEO Section:

Title Tag The title tag for this product which will appear in the header of the browser window when looking at the product page.
Meta Keywords The keywords which will appear in search engine result pages and also when viewing the source of the product page in a browser.
Meta Description The description which will appear in search engine result pages and also when viewing the source of the product page in a browser.
URL The URL of the product page. This can be changed by editing the field and saving your changes.
301 Redirect This is used when you no longer want to use the original URL that was created by Lead Commerce. This allows you to redirect an older URL to a new URL for this Product.

Vendors Section:

Vendors This section will list out all available vendors that have been assigned to the Product Type. To see a list of Product Types and what vendors have been assigned to each navigate to Catalog > Configuration > Product Types
Vendor List The vendors listed in this table are assigned to the Product Type. To see a list of all Vendors in the system navigate to Catalog > Inventory > Vendors Please note: You MUST associate a vendor to a Product Type in order to view it and select it on a Product or SKU.

Related Section:

Related This section allows an admin to assign other products in the catalog to a specific product for cross-selling purposes. To add a new related product, select the Product Search button.
Related Products This is the list of related products that have been associated. This section cannot be added until the Product has been created for the first time.

Bill Of Materials Section:

This section is enabled with the Product Type has a Product Class of "Assembly".

Bill Of Materials This section for mapping SKUs and their quantities to the product for a work order. This section allows for the ability to add products to your bill of materials and their quantities.

SKU Section:

Inventory This section lists out the Stock Keeping Units (SKU) that are created when saving the product for the first time. Each variation value will create a single SKU variation.
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) Stock Keeping Units are a way of keeping track of each combination of variations that have been selected when creating the product for the first time. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot add new Product Variations once a product is created. You CAN ADD new values, but you cannot add new Product Variations.
In Stock The physical inventory that you currently have.
Available The physical inventory you have minus what has been committed to any orders in the system.
Committed The physical inventory that has been committed to any orders in the system.
Backordered Orders that have been placed for SKUs that you currently do not have available.
In Progress The SKUs that have been ordered on Purchase Orders but have yet to be received into inventory.

Sales History Section:

Sales History This section lists out the sales for the product.
Order ID The ID of the order that this product appears on.
Company The company that this customer belongs to. To view all Companies in the system navigate to Customers > Companies
Customer The customer who ordered this product. To view customers navigate to Customers > Customers
SKU Stock Keeping Units
Unit Price The price this customer paid for this product (per SKU).
Quantity The quantity of this product that was ordered. This is an aggregate and does not reflect the actual SKU that was ordered.
Order Date The date that this order was placed.
Status The current order status for this product.

Order History:

Cost History This section displays all Purchase Orders that have been placed for this product.
Type The PO number.
AVG Unit Cost The Average Unit Cost of each line item on the Purchase order for this Product.
PO Order Date The date this Purchase Order was placed.
Lead Time The number of days from the time the PO was placed to the time the this unit was received.
Status The current status of the Purchase Order for this particular product.


Images This section displays all images that have been imported or uploaded to this product. Images display on the product pages. You can have multiple images per product.
Upload Images Button This button is used to upload one or multiple images to the product from your computer.
Row level Colorbox If you click on each image that has been uploaded it will open a dialogue window to allow you to make changes to the image name, seo settings for each image such as Alt Image tags and more.
Image Title The title of the image for seo.
Filename The name of the file.
Alt Text The alt text for this image.
Default Image Setting which makes a particular image the default image to use on category pages and other loops.
Order The order that images should be in when you have multiple images per product.
Image URL The full path URL to this image on your website.

Your product image can be any size up to 10MB and less than 2048 by 2048 pixels. We suggest for most images to be 1024 by 1024 pixels for the best quality and professional look.

File Upload:

File Upload This section displays all files that have been associated to this product. This can be viewed in the customer portal as well.
Upload Files Button This button is used to upload one or multiple files to the product from your computer.
Row level Colorbox If you click on each file that has been uploaded it will open a dialogue window to allow you to make changes to the file name, to display the file in the customer portal and view the full path URL.
File Name The name of the file
Show in Portal Setting to display this file in the customer portal when a customer has purchased this product.
File URL The full path URL of the file.


User This column indicates which user made the change to this Product.
Action This column indicates what was done.
Modified On This column indicates when the change occurred.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I add more Product Variations after a Product has been created?
You can add more values to Product Variations, however, you cannot add additional sets of Product Variations. The reason is that if you were to add more variations, the original SKUs that were created would be invalid and would all be required to be rebuilt.

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