Stock Levels
Case Packs


SKU This is the ID of the SKU itself. Each SKU gets a unique ID number. If you are using Custom SKU (only available in Enterprise Edition) this number can be edited.
Status Whether the SKU is active or not active or archived. If a Product is deactivated then all SKUs will be deactivated as well.
Price This is the Price of the individual SKU which is automatically passed when the SKU is created for the first time during the Product creation. This can be changed to reflect different prices for different configurations of the main product.
Cost This is the cost of the SKU. It is passed in when the SKU is created the first time. It can be updated to reflect a different cost based on the SKUs configuration.
Do Not Allow Item To Be Backordered (FLEX) This option or setting allows you to indicate whether this particular configuration can be ordered when there are none in stock.

Stock Levels:

The Stock Levels section is a quick view to see where the SKU physically is located (i.e. in what warehouses the product can be inventoried at) and also what the current Inventory levels are for each of those locations.

Bin Location This indicates where the SKU is physically stored at each location or warehouse.
Minimum Stock Warning This field allows you to set a numeric value for when to reorder a particular SKU. This value is also used when creating and running SKU reports from the Reporting module. If you select the Low Inventory filter on a SKU report, then the value of the Minimum Stock Level Warning will be used to display any SKUs that are equal to or less than the value.
In Stock The physical inventory that you currently have.
Available The physical inventory you have minus what has been committed to any orders in the system.
Committed The physical inventory that has been committed to any orders in the system.
Backordered Orders that have been placed for SKUs that you currently do not have available.
In Progress The SKUs that have been ordered on Purchase Orders but have yet to be received into inventory.


Vendors allow a user to select one or multiple vendors for a particular SKU. The Vendors in turn control what locations or warehouses a particular SKU can be inventoried at. Lead Commerce allows for multiple vendors to be linked to a particular SKU. This is powerful if you can source a particular product from multiple vendors or even the opposite where a particular size of a SKU can only be sourced from one vendor. Each vendor that is associated to a SKU will in turn dictate what warehouses this SKU is available at on the Stock Levels section.

NOTE: If you need to associate a new vendor to a SKU you will need to first add that Vendor to the Product and then add that Vendor to the SKU.

Case Packs:

Case Packs allow you to specify how you order product from your Vendor or Suppliers. For example, lets say you sell bottled water to your customers. You sell the bottled water one-by-one individually. However, you have to purchase more water from your supplier by the case of 50; not the individual bottle. In this example, you would create a Case Pack for this supplier called "Case" and a quantity of 50 per Case. This allows you to order the product from your supplier with their part number and unit of measure. However, when you receive the Case on the Purchase Order, it automatically converts the case being received to 50 individual bottles of water, keeping your inventory accurate and up-to-date.

ID The unique Case Pack ID allows you to apply updates and changes to your Case Pack records through the CSV SKU import (update) option. Each Case Pack that gets created gets a unique Case Pack ID number.
Vendor The Vendor associated to the Case Pack record. Every Case Pack requires that a Vendor be mapped.
Vendor Part Number The Vendor Part Number is the value that is used when ordering this item from your vendor or supplier. This value will also show up on a Purchase Order (PO) as well as the PO template within the Vendor Part Number columns. This is sometimes referred to as the Manufacturers Part Number.
Case Pack Name The name of the Case Pack. For example, you could sell bottled water by the bottle, but have to order it from your supplier by the Case or Pallet. The Case Pack name can be whatever unit of measure you want it to be such as Truckload, Box, Bundle, Pallet, Box, etc.
Case Pack Quantity The quantity or units that this Case Pack contains based on how you sell this particular item. For example, if you sell bottled water by the bottle and order it from your supplier by the pallet, then quantity would be equal to the total number of bottles on a Pallet. So, if there are 2,500 bottles per Pallet, then the Quantity value would be 2,500. This value is also what a Purchase Order (PO) will use when receiving a Pallet of bottled water. It will end up adding 2,500 units to your inventory once this is Received.
Case Pack Cost This field is your Cost that you pay a Supplier for a Case Pack. If your supplier charges you $995.00 for a Pallet of water, then the Case Pack Cost would be $995.00 (minus any landed costs which would be added as an upcharge on a Purchase Order before receiving.
Status The Status of the Case Pack. A Case Pack can be Active, Inactive or Archived.

Lot / Batch Section:

The Lot/ Batch section of Lead Commerce allows you to track products that might expire or that you need to keep track of on a per run basis. Batches are extremely helpful when dealing with products that expire. Each batch that gets created from either a Purchase Order or an Inventory Adjustment can be edited by clicking on the batch row in the table. This will allow you to specify a unique location for each Batch as well as set the Date of Manufacture (DOM) and Expiration Date which will then be used to calculate Shelf Life.

Lot are useful with some specific industries such as food, chemicals and biotech track their products using lot numbers. This Lot number allows to track their inventory that are tied within a batch with a Lot Number.

The Lot/Batch section contains the following columns:

Lot ID This is the unique ID number used by Lead Commerce to track what lots/batches were used to fulfill certain line items within the Fulfillments section of Orders.
Quantity Added This is the original amount of units that were added when the Lot was created.
Quantity Remaining This is the exact number of units remaining on this Batch. Once a Batch has been depleted of all units it will no longer appear in the Batch section of SKUs.
Warehouse This is the location that this Batch was allocated to either from a Purchase Order or through an Inventory Adjustment.
Location This is a physical location number that an admin can enter to specify where on a particular shelf or area within the warehouse that this SKU is stored.
Condition This is a drop down menu that allows you to specify a condition to a particular Batch. This is important if you are dealing with products that are refurbished, used or have been returned to inventory.
Date of Manufacture (DOM) This is a date that can be passed in to set the date when this particular batch was created. This is important when dealing with products that expire.
Expiration Date This is a date that can be selected that allows a user to specify when a particular Batch for a SKU is set to expire. This date along with the DOM is what is used in order to calculate Shelf Life.
Shelf Life Shelf Life is calculated by passing in a DOM and Expiration Date. Lead Commerce will then calculate the remaining shelf life for a particular Batch in the system.
Date Added This is the Batch creation date.

Inventory Adjustments Section:

Inventory Adjustments are used to either add or remove units from inventory for a particular SKU. There are many reasons why you might want to remove items such as being able to start off at a certain level of units that you already have or potentially if some product gets damaged during a storm.

Inventory Adjustments have the following columns:

Warehouse This is the warehouse that you specified the adjustment in. Warehouses are assigned at the Vendor level and Vendors are assigned to Products which are then assigned to SKUs. Only Warehouses that have been mapped to a specific SKU will be available for Adjustments.
Units Added/Removed This field is used to indicate to Lead Commerce whether the adjustment is removing or adding units to inventory.
Reason These are predefined codes for the reason why the adjustment was made. Under normal receiving operations, most batches will be created by Purchase Orders and receiving inventory on those purchase orders. For more information on Purchase Orders navigate to Catalog > Inventory > Purchase Orders
Date The date that this inventory adjustment occurred.
Preferred Batch Preferred Batch allows you to add more units from an inventory adjustment to an existing Batch that has been already created. This is helpful if you miscount a number of units when receiving inventory.
Notes This is area is to allow for any additional internal remarks about the Inventory Adjustment such as approvals or additional reasoning.

Dimensions Section:

Dimensions for SKUs actually start at the Product level and are passed down to all child SKUs when a product is created for the very first time. Each SKU can have its own dimensions for added flexibility when dealing with products and variations of products that might not weight the same as other configurations of the same Product. For example, an online furniture store might sell a bed and also sell a bed along with two night tables. This would allow them to change the weight of item for this particular configuration of the bed product.

Dimensions have the following options:

Length The length of the product. Once the Product has been created for the first time, these dimensions will be passed to the SKU and will need to be maintained at the individual SKU level.
Width The width of the product. Once the Product has been created for the first time, these dimensions will be passed to the SKU and will need to be maintained at the individual SKU level.
Height The height of the product. Once the Product has been created for the first time, these dimensions will be passed to the SKU and will need to be maintained at the individual SKU level.
Weight The weight of the product. Weight is the only dimension required when creating a product. Once the Product has been created for the first time, these dimensions will be passed to the SKU and will need to be maintained at the individual SKU level.
Calculate by weight only This setting will require any calculations for shipping to use weight as the only criteria when calculating shipping costs.
Ships Alone This setting will require a product and SKU to be shipped by itself and will not allow it to be combined with any other line items on an order.

Bill Of Materials Section:

This section is enabled with the Product Type and has a Product Class of "Assembly" or "Kit".

Bill Of Materials This section for mapping SKUs and their quantities to the product for a work order. This section allow for the ability to add products to your bill of materials and their quantities.

Stock History Section:

Stock History allows a user to view the progression of Inventory Adjustments, Orders and Purchase Orders that has transpired over time. It acts as an audit trail to see exactly how a particular SKU resulted in the current inventory levels.

Stock History has the following columns:

Warehouse The warehouse that this particular transaction was applied to.
Units The number of units that this transaction either added or removed.
Transaction Type The transaction type can be either an Inventory Adjustment, Purchase Order or an Order.
Date The date that this transaction occurred.

Cost History Section:

Cost History provides the historical purchases of this particular SKU over time. This is helpful to see if the cost of this particular SKU has increased or decreased over time. This section also provides both Average and Median calculations in the top right hand corner of this section. These values are based on the entire history of the Cost History. The calculations are as follows:

Average Cost = Total Number of POs Costs / Total Number of POs

Median Cost is calculated by taking the entire range of PO cost values and arranging them in a descending order. If the range is even, then the two middle values are taken from the range and divided by each other. If the range is odd, then the middle value is taken and that is your median.

Median Cost (Odd Range) Example:
PO Costs: $12, $22, $14, $17, $13
Arrange these in descending order: 22,17,14,13,12
The Median PO Cost in this range is: $14.00 per unit.

Median Cost (Even Range) Example:
PO Costs: $12, $22, $14, $17, $13, $16
Arrange these in descending order: 22,17,16,14,13,12
Take the two middle values: (16+14)/2
Median PO Cost: $15.00 per unit.

Cost History has the following columns:

Vendor The vendor that this SKU was purchased from.
Type The type of transaction this was. You can have either POs or Inventory Adjustments.
Unit Cost This is the cost that the SKU was purchased for from the Vendor.
PO Order Date The date the PO was placed.
Lead Time The number of days the PO was in placed status before the SKU was first received.
Status The current overall status of the PO.

Sales History Section:

Sales History This section lists out the sales for the SKU.
Order ID The ID of the order that this SKU appears on.
Company The company that this customer belongs to. To view all Companies in the system navigate to Customers > Companies
Customer The customer who ordered this product. To view customers navigate to Customers > Customers
Unit Price The price this customer paid for this SKU.
Quantity The quantity of this SKU that was ordered.
Order Date The date that this order was placed.
Status The current order status for this SKU.

File Upload Section:

File Upload This section displays all files that have been associated to this SKU.
Upload Files Button This button is used to upload one or multiple files to the SKU from your computer.
Row level Colorbox If you click on each file that has been uploaded it will open a dialogue window to allow you to make changes to the file name.
File Name The name of the file
File URL The full path URL of the file.

History Section:

User This column indicates which user made the change to this SKU.
Action This column indicates what was done.
Modified On This column indicates when the change occurred.

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