Product Variations

Product Variations in Lead Commerce are a way of customizing products if they can be ordered in different sizes or colors or lengths. They are useful when combined with inventory in that when you create a product from scratch, the product variations you choose as well as the values you select will generate all of the underlying SKUs you need in order to properly manage your inventory.

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Product Variations and their values show up within the details area of a Product as well as the Product page of your storefront.


Name This is the internal name of your product variation.
Status This is the status of the product variation which can be active, inactive or archived.
Display Name This is the name that will display in your storefront.
Type This is the type of Product Variation you have have created or will create. The only option available is drop down.
Required This is the option to specify if this Product Variation must be used when creating a product for the first time.

Variation Values:

Name This is the values name that will appear in the drop down menu on your storefront product page. This is also the value name that will appear in the Variations section of the Product details page. Additionally, each value name will be the name that ends up for the SKU variation.
Status This is the status of the variation value which can be active, inactive or archived.
Additional Cost This is the percentage or flat rate increase for this particular variation value which will be used when creating the child SKUs.
Additional Price This is the percentage or flat rate increase for this particular variation value which will be used when creating the child SKUs.
Weight This is the additional weight that will be passed to this particular variation value.
Order By This is the order that the variation values should appear in the drop down menu as well as the Variations section on the Product details page.

Related Products:

ID This is the ID of the product.
Name This is the name of the product.

File Upload Section:

File Upload This section displays all files that have been associated to this category.
Upload Files Button This button is used to upload one or multiple files to the category from your computer.
Row level Colorbox If you click on each file that has been uploaded it will open a dialogue window to allow you to make changes to the file name, to display the file in the customer portal and view the full path URL.
File Name The name of the file
File URL The full path URL of the file.

History Section:

User This column indicates which user made the change to this Category.
Action This column indicates what was done.
Modified On This column indicates when the change occurred.

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