API Settings

API Settings in Lead Commerce allow you to provide access and share Lead Commerce data with other 3rd party applications.

The Lead Commerce API is a RESTful architeure which provides data in either JSON or XML outputs.

If you are looking for more information on how to integrate your application with Lead Commerce please review our online API documentation.

API License Keys consist of the following sections:


NameThis the name of your API. It can be generic or it can represent the 3rd party application that uses it.
StatusThis is the current status of the API and whether or not it is Active, Inactive or Archived.
Applies ToThis option allows you to specify which subcomponents of Lead Commerce this particular API can access.


IdentifierThe Identifier code is required to estatblish a viable connection to the API.
KeyThe Key establishes a secondary layer of security to ensure all requests are valid.


APIThis indicates which component or subcomponent has been accessed.
Number of RequestsThis indicates the number of requests that have been made.
StatusThis is the current status of the Component.
Last AccessedThis is the time date of when the API was last accessed.


UserThis column indicates which user made the change to this Category.
ActionThis column indicates what was done.
Modified OnThis column indicates when the change occurred.

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