Work Order Emails

Work Order Email Autoresponders are found in the following module:

Settings → Autoresponders → Work Order Emails

Work Order Email Autoresponders allow you to customize the emails and PDF documents generated from the Work Order.

Additionally, Lead Commerce offers a tagging system within the Work Order to allow you to pull in system information, custom attribute values and other pertinent data.

Work Order Emails autoresponders consist of the following sections:


Name This is the name of the Work Order Email templates.
Status This is the current status of the Work Order Email Template
Default Template The default template that will be selected when a work order is created.


Work Order Subject This is the email subject used when an email is sent. This can use both regular text and tags.
Work Order Email This section is dedicated to the basic html that makes up your Work emails. This section can run basic text, html and Tags.
Work Order PDF This section is dedicated to the basic html that makes up your Work Order Attachment and Summary section. This section can run basic text, html and Tags. This will take all html, text and tags and convert this to a PDF. Please ensure that all of your html is PDF compliant and check the PDF to ensure it looks correct before deploying it.


Tags are a way of building in dynamic data into your Autoresponders. Tags allow you to bring in system tags, custom attributes that you have created as tags and tag loops which let you loop through a list of products for example.

File Upload Section:

File Upload This section displays all files that have been associated to this template

History Section:

User This column indicates which user made the change to this Work Order Template.
Action This column indicates what was done.
Modified On This column indicates when the change occurred.

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