System Settings

The System Settings subcomponent of Lead Commerce consists of the following options:

Site Configuration:

Site Admin Email This is the email address for the admin of the site which will receive all email communications and system messages.
Send from Email This is the email address that all system generated message get sent from.
Site Name This is the name of your store. In most cases this will the name of your domain or brand.
Customer Service PIN This is a 4 digit numeric value that gets created for you automatically. It can be changed to any 4 digit numeric value that you would like. This is the code that the Lead Commerce Customer Success team will ask you for in order to access your site.
Disable All Email This setting will disable all email sent from your domain. This includes system emails, order emails, and report emails. By default, this setting is turned off. This is a great setting to use if your domain is being developed and you want to prevent a client getting a email used for testing.
Currency Display Allows you to control the display of the currency in the back office to either a symbol or currency code.
System Currency Allows for back office to display a default currency.
Currency Significant Digits Allows back office and storefront to display currency for both Price and Cost data up to five (5) digits.
Currency Round Up Allows for currency to be rounded up or down based on the number of digits displayed.

Note that the section SMTP Settings only appears when Lead Commerce is running on your own domain and not on the trial subdomain

SMTP Host The server address for the SMTP service you want to use for your email.
Port The port for the SMTP service. Common ports are 25, 2525 or 587.
Username The username for your SMTP service.
Password The password for your SMTP service.

Business Information:

Legal Business Name This is the legal name of your business. This is typically the name that displays in any contractual pages or in the footer of your site regarding copyrights.
Display Business Name This is the display name of your business. This is the name that will appear on your order confirmation emails, Order PDFs and other system generated receipts and emails.
Region This is the region your business is located in.
Website This is the full website URL for your business. This will appear on your order confirmation emails and PDFs.
Address 1 This is the primary address for your business.
Address 2 This is the secondary address for your business.
City This is the city your business is located in.
State This is the state your business is located in.
Zip This is the zip code for your business.
Main Phone This is the main phone number for your business.
Display Phone This is the phone number that appears on your storefront.
Fax This is the fax number for your business.
Business Logo This is your business logo which will be used on order confirmation emails, PDFs, customer support tickets, new customer signup emails and other system emails.

Default Increments:

Starting Product ID This is a numeric value that you want your products to start at.
Starting Category ID This is a numeric value that you want your categories to start at.
Starting Order ID This is a numeric value that you want your orders to start at.
Starting Customer ID This is a numeric value that you want your customers to start at.
Starting Issue ID This is a numeric value that you want your support tickets to start at.
Starting Warehouse ID This is a numeric value that you want your warehouse locations to start at.
Starting Vendor ID This is a numeric value that you want your vendors to start at.
Starting Purchase Order ID This is a numeric value that you want your POs to start at.
Starting Transfer ID This is a numeric value that you want your Transfers to start at.
Starting Return ID This is the numeric value that you would like your RMAs to start at.
Use Custom SKUs This is a numeric value that you want your SKUs to start at.

Search Configuration:

String Match This will describe how a search string is handled. There are three options for this setting: Starts With, Contains, and Exact. This setting will determine what part of a word a search will look at to return the result set. If you are using a smaller set of products or orders, many customers use "Contains". Users with over 100,000+ records, Starts With or Exact is recommended.
Alphanumeric Only This will remove any non A-Z0-9 symbols in the search and treat all non A-Z0-9 characters as separate words. For example "R3-15&4" will search as "R3 15 4"
Highly Relevant Results Only Lead Commerce Search Algorithm uses a variety of methods to return the highest possible matches. This flag tells the system to only return highly likely results. If the result set is too small, you can return more results by turning off this setting.
ID Match This flag, search results will only return highly matching results. If the results are not returning enough records or not returning expected results, unset this flag.
Attribute Search This setting will enable the flag "Searchable" on all small text/large text on attributes drilldown sections. This will allow you to flag certian attributes to be searchable. If you do not need to search attributes, you can disable this setting.

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