System Roles

System Roles allow you to customize the back office of Lead Commerce to allow certain groups or teams to only have access to certain areas.

Roles allow you to hide certain Modules, Components and Subcomponents from System Users.

Lead Commerce allows administrators to create customized roles based on specific Component and Subcomponent selections.

System Roles are made up of the following sections:


Name This is the name you give your Role.
Status This is the current status of the Role.
Show Dashboard Financials This option will allow System Users assigned to this Role to be able to view the Dashboard financial information.
Show Column Sorter This option will allow System Users assigned to this Role to be able to view the Column Sorter.
Email Support Tickets This option will allow System Users assigned to this Role to be able to be notified via email when new support tickets come in.
Email Customers This option will allow System Users assigned to this Role to be able to be notified via email when new customer accounts are created.
Email Leads This option will allow System Users assigned to this Role to be able to be notified via email when new lead comes in.
User Inactivity Time This option will let you set the amount of time before the system considers a user inactive and will log them out automatically. By default, this is set to 15 minutes.
Description This is the description of the Role itself.

User Permission:

Each Component and Subcomponent of each Module can be set to allow for different read/write access or no access at all. See the video below for more information on how these settings can control access across the entire back office area:

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