API Version 2
  • API V2 Overview
  • Category
    • Company
      • Customers
        • Orders
          • Pages
            • Page Templates
              • Products
                • Purchase Orders
                  • SKUs
                    • Support Tickets
                      • Tax Regions
                        • Vendors
                          • Warehouses
                            API Documentation


                            Type Info
                            List Vendors
                            URL http://{domain}/api/v2/vendors/info_contact.json
                            Accepts Filters No
                            Output Attributes

                            Vendors Contact Info Data

                            Gets Vendor Contact INFO. Using this API one can retrieve detailed information on the Vendors Contact data which have been input into Lead Commerce based on Lead Commerce Vendors IDs. The specific data points include ID, Display ID, name, status and contact data block. The ID is the primary key identifier for Vendors in Lead Commerce, the name is the Vendor name and the contact block is the Vendor contact data such as ID, name, address, etc.
                            Filter the Vendor Contact Info into a list.
                            Parameter Type Rules Example
                            id int / array one id or multiple Lead Commerce vendor ids
                            1 or array(3,8,9,45)


                            Example JSON returned
                              "code": "200",
                              "data": {
                                "1": [
                                    "id": "1",
                                    "display_id": "1",
                                    "name": "My Vendor",
                                    "contact": [
                                        "id": "1",
                                        "name": "Joe Smoe",
                                        "address_1": "1200 Somewhere Avenue",
                                        "address_2": "",
                                        "city": "Somewhere",
                                        "postal_code": "10000",
                                        "phone": "",
                                        "status": "1",
                                        "subregion": "California",
                                        "region": "United States"
                                "2": [
                                    "id": "2",
                                    "display_id": "2",
                                    "name": "Lead Commerce",
                                    "contact": [
                                        "id": "2",
                                        "name": "Lead Commerce - San Diego",
                                        "address_1": "5000 Business Parkway",
                                        "address_2": "",
                                        "city": "San Diego",
                                        "postal_code": "92103",
                                        "phone": "619-555-1212",
                                        "status": "1",
                                        "subregion": "California",
                                        "region": "United States"

                            Start your free, no-risk trial today.