API Version 2
  • API V2 Overview
  • Category
    • Company
      • Customers
        • Orders
          • Pages
            • Page Templates
              • Products
                • Purchase Orders
                  • SKUs
                    • Support Tickets
                      • Tax Regions
                        • Vendors
                          • Warehouses
                            API Documentation


                            Type Create
                            List Orders
                            URL http://{domain}/api/v2/orders/create.json
                            Accepts Filters No
                            Output Attributes

                            Create Orders

                            These parameters are used for creating Orders
                            Key Data Type Required Example Notes
                            sale_channel int Yes 2
                            customer_type int No 2 What type of customer to create
                            alternate_order_id string No X4545RL0 An alternative order ID.
                            shipping_cost decimal Yes 15.57 Price paid for shipping
                            shipping_provider int Yes 5 ID of the shipping provider
                            placed int/string No UNIX timestamp (871708681) If not passed, it will use the current time.
                            notes string No Any additional notes.


                            All customer data is a subvalue under the array value "customer"
                            Key Data Type Required Example Notes
                            first string Yes Jack
                            last string Yes Jones
                            phone string No 619.555.1212
                            email string Yes [email protected]
                            company string No Jack Inc


                            All product data is a subvalue under the array value "products"
                            Key Data Type Required Example Notes
                            sku string Yes 1154-8211

                            int Yes 6 Quantity of items
                            shipping_class int Yes 51 Must be part of Shipping Provider
                            address array Yes
                            See Customer Address section for values
                            price decimal Yes 16.58
                            tax decimal No 1.65


                            All payment data is a subvalue under the array value "payments". This will allow for payments to be made. You can use multiple payments for
                            Key Data Type Required Example Notes
                            amount decimal Yes 16.85

                            string No UNIX timestamp (871708681) This will use the date of the api request if not passed.
                            address array No
                            See Customer Address section for values.
                            data1 string No

                            data2 string No

                            data3 string No

                            data4 string No

                            notes string No Some additional notes about this transaction Any Additional Notes

                            Customer Address

                            All payment data is a subvalue under the array value "address". This section will create the address for the customer. This is not required.
                            Key Data Type Required Example Notes
                            full_name string Yes Tom Smith Customer full name for shipping
                            status int/string No 1 Set address status, default to active if not set
                            address_1 string Yes 5000 Parkway Ave. Customer street address
                            address_2 string No

                            city string Yes Los Angeles
                            subregion string Yes CA Customer state (abbr)
                            postal_code string Yes 90210
                            region string Yes United States Customer country
                            phone string No 310-555-9876


                            Example cURL request
                            curl -X POST 'https://{yourdomain}/api/v2/orders/create.json' 
                            --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' 
                            -u '{your-identifier}:{your-key}' 
                            --data-urlencode 'data={
                              "inserts": [
                                  "sale_channel": 1,
                                  "placed": 1523915832,
                                  "customer": {
                                    "customer_type": 1,
                                    "first": "Tina",
                                    "last": "API 2",
                                    "phone": "(602) 803-0408",
                                    "email": "[email protected]",
                                    "company": "Tina Turner"
                                  "shipping_provider": 5,
                                  "shipping_cost": "0",
                                  "products": [
                                      "sku": "450-0009-1",
                                      "name": "4812393036 Product",
                                      "qty": 1,
                                      "price": 5,
                                      "tax": 0.1,
                                      "shipping_class": 52,
                                      "address": {
                                        "full_name": "Jackie Richardson",
                                        "biz_name": "Happy Hair Salon & Boutique",
                                        "address_1": "3480 Drusilla Ln Ste A",
                                        "address_2": "",
                                        "city": "Baton Rouge",
                                        "subregion": "LA",
                                        "postal_code": "70809-1866",
                                        "region": "US",
                                        "phone": ""
                                  "payments": [
                                      "amount": 55.25,
                                      "date": 1523548459,
                                      "data1": "payment_type",
                                      "data2": "",
                                      "address": {
                                        "full_name": "Anna Curry",
                                        "address_1": "10720 Linkwood Court",
                                        "address_2": "221",
                                        "city": "Baton Rouge",
                                        "subregion": "LA",
                                        "postal_code": "70810",
                                        "region": "US",
                                        "phone": "(702) 485-7480"
                                  "notes": "this is my order note",
                                  "attributes": [],
                                  "files": {
                                    "xml_file": ""
                                  "discounts": [
                                      "discount_type": "order",
                                      "discount": "9.74",
                                      "description": "order discount"


                            Example JSON returned
                              "code": "200",
                              "data": [
                                  "id": "1",
                                  "title": "Order 10000",
                                  "tag": "6JLS05DNEBSWH6EZVH56VJX23"

                            Start your free, no-risk trial today.