API Version 2
  • API V2 Overview
  • Category
    • Company
      • Customers
        • Orders
          • Pages
            • Page Templates
              • Products
                • Purchase Orders
                  • SKUs
                    • Support Tickets
                      • Tax Regions
                        • Vendors
                          • Warehouses
                            API Documentation


                            Type Create
                            List Products
                            URL http://{domain}/api/v2/products/create.json
                            Accepts Filters No
                            Output Attributes

                            Create Products

                            These parameters are used for creating Products

                            Parameter Type Required Notes
                            name string Yes Product name
                            Basic T-Shirt
                            display_name string No
                            Product display name Amazing Basic T-Shirt
                            display_id string No
                            Only available if Custom SKU is enabled. X4545RL0-998
                            status int No
                            Product status 0, 1 or 2
                            cost decimal Yes
                            Enter amount in US Dollars 19.95
                            price decimal Yes
                            Enter amount in US Dollars 34.95
                            product_type int Yes
                            ID from Product Types 2
                            terms int No
                            ID from Terms & Conditions 16
                            details text No

                            This T-Shirt is the softest.
                            attributes int No

                            See attribute documentation.
                            weight_only boolean No

                            Y or N
                            ship_alone boolean No

                            Y or N
                            length int No
                            Enter in Inches (in) 12
                            width int No
                            Enter in Inches (in) 36
                            height int No
                            Enter in Inches (in) 8
                            weight decimal Yes
                            Enter in Pounds (lbs) 2.2
                            vendors array Yes
                            ID from Vendors array(1081, 605, 984)
                            metatitle string No
                            New Amazing Basic T-Shirts
                            metatag string No
                            t-shirt, t-shirts, new t-shirts
                            seo_description string No

                            Shop our Amazing Basic T-Shirts
                            url string No

                            available_on date No

                            unavailable_after date No

                            int No

                            bulk_pricing int No
                            The ID from Bulk Pricing 2
                            array No
                            Variation IDs followed by Variation values in an array 4, array(16,17), 5, array(8,10,11)
                            cat array No
                            This is the category id field. array(16,17)
                            subcat array No
                            This is the subcategory id field. array(18,85,47,65,12)
                            images array No
                            Product image array(array("base_64"=>"
                            /9j/4QAYRXhp...ZgAASUkq", "image_title"=>"T-Shirt One", "image_alt"=>"Polo Image 8", "filename"=>"tshirt98.jpg"))


                            Example cURL sent
                            curl -X POST 'https://{yourdomain}/api/v2/products/create.json' 
                            -u '{your-identifier}:{your-key}' 
                            --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' 
                            --data-urlencode 'data={
                            {"name" : "Regular T-Shirt",
                            "display_id" : "SHIRT-01",
                            "cost": 1,


                            Example JSON returned
                                "code": "200",
                                "data": {
                                    "record": {
                                        "120": {
                                            "id": "120",
                                            "title": "SHIRT-01",
                                            "tag": "LEV000A0TLUJUASO1UVUVU2V3"

                            Start your free, no-risk trial today.