API Version 2
  • API V2 Overview
  • Category
    • Company
      • Customers
        • Orders
          • Pages
            • Page Templates
              • Products
                • Purchase Orders
                  • SKUs
                    • Support Tickets
                      • Tax Regions
                        • Vendors
                          • Warehouses
                            API Documentation


                            Type Info
                            List Pages
                            URL http://{domain}/api/v2/pages/info.json
                            Accepts Filters No
                            Output Attributes

                            Pages Info Data

                            Gets Pages Info. Allows the retrieval of information about id, name, display_name, slug, url, page_template, show_in_portal, use_ssl, content, seo data, history created and updated timestamps, associated attribute information and the status of Lead Commerce Pages. Note: Only content type pages are accessible.
                            Filter the Pages into a list.
                            Parameter Type Rules Example
                            id int / array one id or multiple Lead Commerce page ids
                            1 or array(3,8,9,45)


                            Example JSON returned
                              "code": "200",
                              "data": {
                                "21": [
                                    "id": "21",
                                    "name": "Terms and Conditions",
                                    "display_name": "Terms and Conditions",
                                    "slug": "page_terms_and_conditions",
                                    "url": "terms-and-conditions/",
                                    "page_template": "4",
                                    "show_in_portal": "0",
                                    "use_ssl": "0",
                                    "status": "1",
                                    "content": "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>",
                                    "seo": {
                                      "title": "Terms and Conditions",
                                      "keywords": "terms, conditions",
                                      "description": "These are the Terms and Conditions.",
                                      "301_redirect": "terms.html"
                                    "history": {
                                      "created": "1435706026",
                                      "updated": "1437001047"
                                    "attributes": [
                                        "id": "2",
                                        "name": "QR Code",
                                        "display_name": "QR Code",
                                        "slug": "attr_qr_code",
                                        "value": "AAA"
                                        "id": "3",
                                        "name": "Sales Rep",
                                        "display_name": "Sales Rep",
                                        "slug": "attr_sales_rep",
                                        "values": [
                                            "id": "1",
                                            "name": "Bob Smith"
                                            "id": "2",
                                            "name": "Jane Doe"
                                "22": [
                                    "id": "22",
                                    "name": "Privacy Policy",
                                    "display_name": "Privacy Policy",
                                    "slug": "page_privacy_policy",
                                    "url": "privacy-policy/",
                                    "page_template": "4",
                                    "show_in_portal": "0",
                                    "use_ssl": "0",
                                    "status": "1",
                                    "content": "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>",
                                    "seo": {
                                      "title": "Privacy Policy",
                                      "keywords": "privacy, policy",
                                      "description": "Privacy Policy",
                                      "301_redirect": ""
                                    "history": {
                                      "created": "1435706026",
                                      "updated": "1437002954"
                                    "attributes": [
                                        "id": "2",
                                        "name": "QR Code",
                                        "display_name": "QR Code",
                                        "slug": "attr_qr_code",
                                        "value": "AAA"
                                        "id": "3",
                                        "name": "Sales Rep",
                                        "display_name": "Sales Rep",
                                        "slug": "attr_sales_rep",
                                        "values": [
                                            "id": "1",
                                            "name": "Bob Smith"

                            Start your free, no-risk trial today.