API Version 2
  • API V2 Overview
  • Category
    • Company
      • Customers
        • Orders
          • Pages
            • Page Templates
              • Products
                • Purchase Orders
                  • SKUs
                    • Support Tickets
                      • Tax Regions
                        • Vendors
                          • Warehouses
                            API Documentation


                            Type Create
                            List Tax Regions
                            URL http://{domain}/api/v2/taxregions/create.json
                            Accepts Filters No
                            Output Attributes

                            Create Tax Regions

                            These parameters are used for creating Tax Regions. Using this API one can create Lead Commerce Tax Regions, indicated by zip codes. The specific data points include tax_id, tax_rate, status and postal_code. The tax_id is the Tax Region ID, the tax_rate is the rate of taxation for the given zip code, status is Tax Region status and the postal code is the 5 digits US zip code. Note: This api only creates zip codes. The tax_id must already exists for this api to work properly.
                            Parameter Type Required Notes
                            tax_id int Yes Tax Region ID
                            postal_code string Yes
                            tax_rate decimal Yes
                            status int No
                            0, 1 or 2 1


                            Example JSON returned
                              "code": "200",
                              "data": [
                                  "id": "1",
                                  "title": "California - Postal Code: 91945",
                                  "tag": "TS1443728733"

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