API Version 2
  • API V2 Overview
  • Category
    • Company
      • Customers
        • Orders
          • Pages
            • Page Templates
              • Products
                • Purchase Orders
                  • SKUs
                    • Support Tickets
                      • Tax Regions
                        • Vendors
                          • Warehouses
                            API Documentation


                            Type Update
                            List Categories or Subcategories
                            URL http://{domain}/api/v2/categories/update.json
                            Accepts Filters No
                            Output Attributes No

                            Update Categories and Subcategories

                            These parameters are used for updating categories and subcategories.
                            Data Points
                            Parameter Type Required Notes Example
                            id int Yes ID of Category 1
                            name string Yes Category Name
                            display_name string No
                            Category Display Name Electronics
                            directory_structure string No Category Directory Structure electronics
                            int Yes Category Page Template ID
                            subcategory_page_template int Yes
                            Subcategory Page Template ID 3
                            subcategory array No Array of Subcategory Information
                            status int No
                            Status of Category 0, 1 or 2
                            Subcategory Values
                            These are the values for Subcategory info.
                            Parameter Type Required Notes
                            id int Yes ID of Subcategory 2
                            name string Yes Subcategory Name
                            display_name string No Subcategory Display Name Tablets
                            directory_structure string No
                            Subcategory Directory Structure electronics/tablet
                            subcategory_page_template int Yes Subcategory Page Template ID 3
                            status int No
                            Status of Subcategory 0, 1 or 2


                            Example JSON returned
                              "code": "200",
                              "data": [
                                  "id": "3",
                                  "title": "Electronic Items",
                                  "tag": "85FNWNFREST2G2H8SX2B1PM51"

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